Gayest Hits @ Edinburgh Fringe
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The Blundagardens Congregation for the Blessing of the Holy Mother salvatingly invite you to our picket of the heathen homo-social hell warming known as Queer Theory, who will be damning themselves to a fiery torment at the Edinburgh Fringe with a damned display of blasphemeous music, transgressive chanting and heretical humour. Help us cast these deviants straight to the devil on Saturday 12th August at midnight. Hosanna!
Lineup:Oasissy (hosts / drag duo queering Oasis)Jamie Black (synthpop singer-songwriter) Niki Rush (performance art / dance) Purina Alpha (drag / dance) Gabriel Featherstone (surreal comedy) Creepy Boys / SE Grummett (anarchic performance art) Andy Manning (comedy / music)
Accessibility: The venue has paved level access with no steps. There is level access from the pavement into the tent over a low wooden threshold. Blundagardens doesn’t tolerate any discrimination or harassment. If you have any issues on the night please contact us or the venue staff. All toilets are gender neutral.
Organiser of Gayest Hits @ Edinburgh Fringe
Tickets are off-sale for this event
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Magical SpiegulyurtBlundagardens, South College Street by Potterrow Underpass, Edinburgh, EH8 9AA