LINDA(?) is pure panic. Everyone has arrived to her party far too early and she is still attempting to put together the perfect party. Everything must be perfect. All the best dance party classics are ready at the push of the button and if she keeps these playing on repeat and feeding everyone cake everything will be okay… right? Without a single word she is constantly at the mercy of her darling party guests, hoping to please them through extreme giggles and smiles. She is the ultimate altruist at heart, always putting everyone’s needs before her own, perhaps to her own detriment... Throughout the piece she plays terribly eccentric party tricks and offers an obscene amount of cake, cream and of course sprinkles!
LINDA(?) plays with elements of grotesque, whilst edging on hysteria, through the use of visceral images, tears, and laughter. The piece looks at how far women have been taught to cater to other people's needs whilst looking good in pink.
this event will take place in The Actors upstairs theatre space
Content Warnings: Warning this show will contain cakes which include
allergens: DAIRY, EGG, WHEAT if you have an allergy,
especially airborne, it is advised you do not attend. This
show may also contain content, prolonged and sudden
loud noises which some audiences may find distressing.
It is advised no-one under the age of 16 attend this show.
There is audience participation is a part of show.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in