How far would you go to be “good”?
Billie Gold’s first one woman comedy show is about finding the power of self validation and lesbian identity, and no, its not about kink, but it might get a little dirty. From the mind of a lesbian ex sex worker, now full time drag performer, Praise Kink is a fast, wild and inspiring look at the world through the lens of an unreprimandable, ridiculous, queer woman. Dragged up by the universally set moral code, this is the story of what makes us good enough for ourselves. Backed by belting power vocals that’s made audiences feet sore internationally and a wicked sense of humour, Praise Kink will either have you on the edge of your seat or standing on top of it.
this event will take place in the actors upstairs theatre space
Content Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sex work, LIGHT AND NON
GRAPHIC mentions of SA, mentions of nudity, mentions
of sexism, mentions of sex, LIGHT mention of substance
abuse, mentions of neurodivergence