Join us for a special screening of "School Birds," a film directed by Felix Marrington-Reeve and Quentin Corker-Marin. After meeting at university while studying VFX, Felix (he/him) and Quentin (she/her) have worked together on multiple projects, creating the computer animated films "Describe Your Last Trip Outside", featured in the BFI's Britain on Lockdown, and "Ascent" in collaboration with The Alexander Whitely Dance Company and The Parasol Project. School Birds is their first collaboration using live action. Their films explore human connection through arresting visuals and poinant themes such as isolation, queer joy and dance.
Join us for an evening of drinks, a screening of the film, an exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpse, and a Q&A session.
Doors open at 19:00, screening begins at 20:00. Opportunity to purchase drinks at bar throughout the night.