New years was full of empty new-self promises and dry January was.....well it was wet. Very wet. We pushed our luck and have angered the gods, who have now banished us to the depths of faggot hell for a special day party take over at The Divine basement. This will be our final opportunity to become moral people (we won't) and repent for our sins (literally no idea what any of these words mean lol). Leading us in prayer we have the cursed high priestess Jane Norman, cause if anything can scare our depraved and deviant demons away, it is the likes and brains of miss Norman. Sonic soul cleansing duties will be assumed by our Dench residents before the unstoppable cosmic divas Ashtrey and Karlie Marx emerge from the skies to blast all you sinful queers and deviant gay boys straight into an eternal abyss. Divas, cometh forth and be cleansed, mama yes gawwd.