The RVT may be having a break from all it's fabulousness but we are going to Carry On Kings of Clubs ... Online with some of the Brightest King Stars from around the Globe! This is the chance to see the Kings who would never be able to perform here otherwise... cos we can't afford to fly them here first class and that's what they deserve!
At the helm is Vauxhall’s own local royal Drag King; King Frankie Sinatra, the compere and producer of Kings of Clubs.
Starring the wonderful Sexy Galexy all the way from Melbourne , the raw erotic appeal of Boiz of Austin from Texas USA and of course our home grown wonder Kallum Kiraly, our resident magician Richard Melanin the Third more ... some have made new work just for this event and we will also show some classics from our wonderful archive.
This event will be on the RVT Online Facebook page from 19.00 20th May until 23.95 on the 25th May as a You Tube link and of course you can watch it for free. But we are encouraging you, dear friends, fans and fam, to buy a ticket. Please support our talented performers and video editors in these difficult times. Some of us have no work at all so this will really be a huge help. Moustache glue isn't suddenly free you know!
There are four tiers... pay what you can ( even a quid will help or more if you are feeling flush ) concessions £2, still got a bit o' dosh £5 and VIP which are a tenner. The lucky first 30 people to buy VIP's, or donate more than £10, will get a signed photo ( fully clothed you rascals, it's only £10) of King Frankie Sinatra.
Once you have a ticket you will get the link so you can watch the show anytime between 20/5 at 19.00 or over the weekend right up til Monday evening at midnight. You can go for a wee, get a drink, let the cat in all -without missing a thing whilst you pause us.
This offer is only available here and now...