Join Aids Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) New York legend Peter Staley as he reads from his book 'Never Silent - ACT UP and My Life in Activism' to launch our Pride Special 4 days of events welcoming Peter to London to celebrate his life-long commitment to ‘healthcare for all.’
Venue - QUEERCIRCLE, 0.1 Building B4, 3 Barton Yard, Soames Walk, Design District, Greenwich, SE10 0BN
Time - 6.30-8pm. Tickets are £3 - there is limited capacity so please book quickly!
Peters story has been documented and celebrated in the Oscar nominated 'How to Survive A Plague' and he continues to act - join us to find out about the ‘Staley vs Gilead’ lawsuit that could cost Big Pharma billions - followed by a Q+A with Dan Glass, ACT UP London
There are limited spaces so please sign up quick here! It is free.
About the Book – Never Silent: ACT UP And My Life In Activism By Peter Staley, Chicago Review Press, 2021
In 1987, somebody shoved a flyer into the hand of Peter Staley: massive AIDS demonstration, it announced. After four years on Wall Street as a closeted gay man, Staley was familiar with the homophobia common on trading floors. He also knew that he was not beyond the reach of AIDS, having recently been diagnosed with AIDS-Related Complex.
A week after the protest, Staley found his way to a packed meeting of the AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power ACT UP in the West Village. It would prove to be the best decision he ever made. ACT UP would change the course of AIDS, pressuring the National Institutes of Health, the FDA, and three administrations to finally respond with research and treatment plans that ultimately saved millions of lives.
Staley, a shrewd strategist with nerves of steel, organized some of the group’s most spectacular actions, from shutting down trading on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange to putting a giant condom over the house of Senator Jesse Helms. Never Silent is the inside story of what brought Staley to ACT UP and the explosive and sometimes painful years to follow: years filled with triumph, humiliation, joy, loss, and persistence. Never Silent is guaranteed to inspire the activist within all of us.
All press and general requests please email / all information at ACT UP London
Thanks to QUEERCIRCLE, National AIDS Trust, Positively UK, Positive East, Just Treatment, Ibase, National AIDS Map, Food Chain, Sophia Forum, Housmans and the London-wide HIV+ activist community and Luca Modesti for the design!