Join us at the Margate Arts Club for the irreverence and chaos of IS A DRAG this November as the crew take on the theme of... ART!
Expect high concepts and low budgets, wet paint and dry jokes.
abstract expressionism, Shows show shows and dancing!
With your hosts
Pretzel Cage and Shelly Grotto
With special guests An(dre)a Spisto + Janet District Council
Warhol, Grace, Harring, Ambramoć, Pollock, Bacon, Chicago and many more!
Not Arts Council Funded - Viva la Revolutioń!
Date: Saturday November 18th
Doors Open: 7pm
Shows Start : 8pm (on the dot, don't be late)
Dancing: 10pm - 1am
£6 low income
Access: Five rows of seating, come early to get a spot.
The Margate Arts Club is a pure Joyful LGBTQIA+ centered space.
We open our doors to everyone who is nice and respectful of the space and our community; radical free thinkers, artists, creatives, kinksters, left-wingers, socialists, environmentalists, supporters of equal rights and allies to the LGBTQIA+ community are welcome.
We do not tolerate racism, transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, xenophobia, ableism, ageism, body shaming, slut shaming, or misogyny.
Ask for consent before touching anyone. This includes touching hair and surgical scars. Check in and ask for pronouns. Be respectful and nice. Let people dance and talk in peace if they want to. Everyone deserves a night without being hassled or objectified. No means no.
Please do not enter the building if you do not agree or can not abide by the above. Have fun, go wild, but respect each other's boundaries.
If you ever have an unwanted interaction or microagggresion, please inform a member of our team on the night and we will deal with it straight away. Also, look out for each other. This is a DIY community space, so lets also check in on each others welfare.
Love. x