Join two of Scotland’s masters of metamorphosis for a playful introduction to the art of drag across the gender spectrum and dabble in some fun creative expression!
If you've ever wondered if you could do drag [spoiler alert: ANYone can!] and wanted to know how to get started, this interactive workshop with Mx Arrow Jackson and Dorian T. Fisk is for you!
Get ready for:
- A crash course in drag culture and history
- A chance to try some practical makeup techniques
- Top tips on creating a unique drag persona and getting your first gig booked!
Saturday October 19th
11am - 1pm
Aberdeen Arts Centre
[wheelchair accessible]
COST: £20*
*A limited number of concessionary tickets are available. If you have expendable income, please do buy a full priced General Admission ticket. If you have limited expendable income, you may opt to buy a Reduced Price ticket (while they last).
This is an interactive workshop focussing on the history and performance of gender. There will be live demonstrations and DIY activities - full participation is highly encouraged but not mandatory. All materials provided.
Arguably one of Glasgow’s most creative drag talents bouncing between being a gremlin and being just your regular ol' great uncle at the cookout. Coming to Scotland by way of Chicago, Mx Arrow Jackson is a charismatic non-binary drag king of Black and Native American heritage with a background in theatre and clowning. This multi-talented performer not only lip syncs, sings and dances, they are also adept at using unconventional materials in their drag looks and costume creations. Part of the mentorship team in Shut Up & King’s ground-breaking KINGcubator program, they also produce Black Is…cabaret celebrating Black History Month.
More about Arrow here.

Image description: A collage of 16 colour photos of some of Arrow's drag characters arranged in rows.
Dorian T. Fisk is a multi-award winning genderqueer drag artist known for elaborate looks and high production value performances. A triple nominee in the 2024 Scottish Drag Awards [Best Drag King, Best Producer, Best Show], Dorian is the driving force behind Glasgow-based platform Shut Up & King and at the forefront of Scotland’s burgeoning drag king scene. Featured in The Guardian as one of the UK's most inspirational drag kings, he has supported RuPaul's Drag Race touring queens, headlined shows in London and even produced a drag king showcase at Scottish Parliament!
More about Dorian at

Image description: A collage of 15 colour photos of some of Dorian's drag characters arranged in rows.

Image description: Promo poster for the Drag 101 workshop with text in white font providing the key details mentioned above. Drag artists Mx Arrow Jackson and Dorian T. Fisk are dressed in elaborate costumes with striking makeup against a background of pink glitter spilled everywhere because … drag! [more in Alt text]. Photo of Mx Arrow Jackson by Diana Dumi.