If it's your new year's resolution to get better at Instagram, join in and get posting!
“I'm just a writer, I don't want to be an influencer!”
Do you need a big Instagram following to get a book deal? What if you just want to write and not be a content creator? Do you have to learn what the latest aesthetic is??
There's pressure on writers to be really good at Instagram. Join me as I guide you through ways to engage and build a community on the platform, navigate Bookstagram and gain ideas on how to use Instagram in a way that makes sense for you.
Join me for a very practical* online workshop that dives deep into Instagram and how you can use it as a writer. This is a 90 minute workshop full of knowledge sharing, case studies, simple exercises to get you kickstarted, and a Q&A section.
“Super helpful - just great to have a re-think about using Instagram for myself, rather than thinking it is in control of me! Honestly, I loved the session. You had such an approachable, relaxed way of relaying the information. I feel empowered to make bolder choices in how I use social media. Thank you!”
“Until I attended your workshop, as a minimalist user of social media, I hadn't given much thought to what I post and who I'm trying to engage, so your workshop has provided nutritious food for thought on how I will curate my public persona online” - Will Dobson
Instagram Proficiency?
All attendees need to have a basic understanding of how to use Instagram (i.e. how to upload, navigate at least one of the platforms above etc). If you’ve never used this platform in your life this workshop won't be quite right for you, as I won't be teaching you how to use Instagram, but how to maximise it.
The focus is on unlocking the full potential of Instagram as a writer, and ways to use it without being overwhelmed.
What Kind Of Writers?
All writers across form and genres are welcome! Novelists, poets, journalists, non-fiction and more - pull up a seat.
About the Workshop:
- There will be a short break in the middle.
- There will be a Q&A at the end, participants are welcome to ask questions in the chat throughout.
- All are welcome to have their cameras off, there is no audience interaction where I would ask you to turn on your camera and mic. During the Q&A, you'll be invited to come off mute and video to ask your question, but this is entirely optional.
About Me:
I'm Christy Ku, a writer, poet and workshop facilitator. I've worked with the BBC, Barbican, Sky Arts, the Science Museum, London Transport Museum, Museum of London, National Union of Students, Kakilang, Apples & Snakes, Underpinned and more.
I was the former head of Features and Interviews for TenEighty Magazine, a publication on YouTube and internet culture. I was also a contributor for Penguin's TikTok channel.
I'm a James Berry Poetry Prize 2024 Commended Poet. I'm also an alumn of the Barbican Young Poets, New Earth Theatre Academy, the National Youth Theatre, Royal Court Theatre Playwriting Group and Southbank New Poets Collective.
I can be found on @kukadoodles across all social media. My website: christyku.co.uk
Please note the session will not be recorded!
*I have no course or e-book etc I'm secretly trying to sell, this is all I have lol